Negative or Zero - Check whether a number is negative or zero
This action checks whether a number is smaller than or equal to zero.
Trigger [required]
<X> (non-repetitive numeric trigger [required]):
The checked number.
Exits [none required]
The two exits represent two mutually exclusive possibilities:
<Yes> (non-repetitive numeric exit [not required]): The
input number (the value of <X>) in case it is negative
or zero (i.e. smaller than or equal to zero).
<No> (non-repetitive numeric exit [not required]): The
input number (the value of <X>) in case it is not negaive
or zero (i.e. greater than zero).
Notice: If there is a need to distinguish between 3 different cases
(<X> smaller than zero, <X> equal to zero, or
<X> greater than zero),
use Compare.
Usage Examples
Test1 (need to complete)